We help children and young people grow in life, hope and faith.
You can be a part of that too
If you share our vision of seeing children and young people grow in hope, life, and faith you can join in through prayer and financial support.
If you’re a teacher, we’re here to help you with people and projects that can support the pastoral and spiritual life of your pupils and your school. See how CYO can work with you to create positive outcomes, whether for a single young person or a whole school.
If you believe the church is here to be good news and you love the idea of connecting with children and young people and schools in relevant and appropriate ways, find out how CYO can help your church to serve your community.
CYO Snapshot
Mission Partners
Schools with chaplains
Students mentored
Students in a Prayer Space
What we do in a nutshell
Helping primary and secondary schools with the spiritual and pastoral care of pupils and staff, inspiring and supporting spiritual life and creating space to explore the Christian faith.
Working with school pastoral staff, we offer a caring, listening ear to children and young people who need a little extra support when life is difficult.
Our projects are designed to support the pastoral, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of students in expressive, creative and interactive ways.
Equipping, empowering, and enabling churches and Christians to engage with primary and secondary schools through Chaplaincy.
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